If you are thinking to apply with a blockchain based idea, and you need the policy angle, here we are!
Specific Challenge:
Future social networks, media and platforms will become the way our societies operate for communication, exchange, business, creation, learning and knowledge acquisition. The challenge is to mobilise a positive vision as to the role that Social Media will increasingly play in all these areas, and to overcome today’s critical issues about trust and governance through democratic reputation mechanisms, and user experience.
Analysing and building the foundation of next generation Social Media platforms towards a “Global Social Sphere”, based on peer-to-peer/decentralised, community approaches and free/open source principles. This foundation shall enhance the role of prosumers, communities and small businesses, mastering technological barriers, introducing innovative and participatory forms of quality journalism, and using various data in a secure manner. These activities should contribute to overcome the current accumulation of power by central intermediaries often located outside Europe. Proposals are invited for one of the following four subtopic