@insta_repeat on Instagram. “Déjà Vu Vibes 🌲 Wander. Roam. Replicate”
Source: The New Aesthetic
@insta_repeat on Instagram. “Déjà Vu Vibes 🌲 Wander. Roam. Replicate”
Source: The New Aesthetic
A solution to providing frictionless trade across the Irish border after Britain leaves the European Union might be found using technology such as Blockchain, finance minister Phillip Hammond said on Monday
Source: Blockchain may resolve Irish border Brexit problem: Hammond | Reuters
Pierce, meanwhile, was about to try to repeat his success in e-sports when people began mentioning cryptocurrency to him roughly a year after the first Bitcoins were mined. Pierce was shocked that he’d never heard of it. “There were no storytellers who knew how to convey the information in simple insights, so it required a lot of real heavy lifting to figure out,” he says. “I didn’t have the time to appreciate the power of decentralization at first. The day I got it, I knew that was it.”Bannon recently took a leap into cryptocurrency as well, not just because of its financial implications, but because of its political ones. “This whole populist revolt is going to come down to this concept of currency,” he says. “You can see the forces that are aligned to take advantage of it. Every smart person that I admire in the world, and those I semi-fear, is focused on this concept of crypto for a reason. They understand that this is the driving force of the fourth industrial revolution: steam engine, electricity, then the microchip – blockchain and crypto is the fourth. There’s going to be a war for control for this.”Once Pierce caught on to the potential of this new digital cash, he became an evangelist, giving away Bitcoins to everyone he could, whether to an influencer or to the audience at one of his talks. He eventually stopped giving the money away because “no one appreciated it, then they lost it, and it was a waste of my fucking time. I get messages all the time from people saying, ‘I think of how much I lost because I didn’t take it seriously.’ ”
Source: Brock Pierce: The Hippie King of Cryptocurrency – Rolling Stone
50 Cent denies reports he is a bitcoin millionaireThe rapper, still ironing out a bankruptcy case, said he’d promoted the false reports because they were ‘favourable to my image’
Source: 50 Cent denies reports he is a bitcoin millionaire | Music | The Guardian